



For your Excel training, it is important to be able to access the best educational sciences at any time.This free application is a dynamic library run by the best French educational websites specializing in educational science.Courses on the following topics are available in our application: Educational Science-Bildungswissenschaften videos -Bildungswissenschaften- Small early history of sociology: what holds society together?- Behaviorism, reinforcement, punishment psychology- Classical Conditioning - Behavioral Biology- Psychology - Education- Priming, Halo Effect and Co. - How Does Our Brain Work ?!- Classical conditioning (pedagogy / psychology / EW)- Educational and learning stories - Basics, practical experience, suggestions - Preview clip- Module 1 B - Intercultural education- Bogenschnitzerparabel, learning, lessons - didacticsPedagogy - Necessary Basics (Basic Knowledge)- Learn success model- Education and more- Difference between pedagogy and educational science- Educational-theoretical and critically constructive didactics according to Klafki - Overview-Formal Theory of Education (after Klafki) - Overview- Taxonomy of Learning Objectives - Learning Objectives according to Benjamin Bloom- EWS exam: 10 characteristics of good teaching- Education, education, socialization- Educator - The operant conditioning at a glance: Positive and negative reinforcement or punishment- The broadcast with the KSJ - What is participation?- Didactic principles, training of trainers- Module 1 B Socialization Part 1 Socialization, personality, individuality- Common learning theories / learning models (conditioning, Piaget, situational learning, etc.)- Teaching and learning- How to memorize?- Gerald Hüther: School and Society - Radical Criticism- How to inspire children and adolescents - Prof. Dr.Gerald Hüther in an interview- PDF -Bildungswissenschaften